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Strange "fog horn" type sound

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:12 am
by strontium_99
Hi all,
For the past few months we are getting an odd "fog horn" sound happen at totally random times. To start with it would only last a second, but it seems to be increasing in length.

Initially we thought it was something to do with our combi boiler. But I think that's a red herring, because it can happen in the middle of the night when neither heating of water hearer are running.

I'm now stating to think it's something to do with our water supply. We have had issues with a water hammer effect. IE. Turn the water off quickly and you get a thump sound.

Also, it's hard to actually track down where the sound emanates from because it seems to reverberate all round the house.

Could anybody offer up a possible reason and how I could resolve it please?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Strange "fog horn" type sound

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 10:15 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi strontium_99,
If you have ball valves - the ones with a ball on the end of an arm - check these out.
Regards S