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Opello Variflush Dropvalve Replacement

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2022 11:17 am
by MrBurns
Can anyone help, I have an Opello Variflush drop valve.
It's been a pain in the ******* ever since I have had it to be honest but now it broken. I have had several issues with it , also replaced it once. This is now discontinued ( probably a godsend ), looking for a replacement.

First question, the bottom housing that the valve clips into, are these universal for all valves or would another model Torbeck drop valve clip into it? or is it a case of splitting the pan and fitting entire new unit?

Second Question If I need an entire new unit, any suggestions on the best one to buy, I really just want to fit one this time and forget about it.

Thanks in advace.

Re: Opello Variflush Dropvalve Replacement

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2022 10:03 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi mrburns,
Unfortunately there are no standards for the mounting ring so you will have to separate the pan and cistern.
Your choice of replacement unit will depend on where the push button is located and whether you need a cable operated unit.
Sadly the washer at the bottom of the plunger is the bit most likely to give you problems. In time these perish or expand and allow continuous running of water into the pan.
Regards S