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Adding lights to ring main

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 4:27 pm
by emzo5774
We're doing a bit of DIY in a house 300 years old - the problem is that we have a ring main (with the old cabling colours of red, black and no colour) and would like to add another light to the same switch as an existing light fitting.
When we have tried to use connectors (and electric cable to extend) to add the new light to the ring main, the existing light is either dim or doesn't turn on/off. At the same time, the new light is either dim or doesn't turn on/off.

How do we introduce the new light to the ring main so that new and existing lights are turning off and on when we want them to? And also, that the lights are not dim when turned on?

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 9:22 pm
by sparx
Hi normally I would refer you to DOCS projects but I'm not sure this one is on there.
the wiring to the 2nd light connects to the existing light fitting (not to the switch) it connects to the same place as the flex of the old light goes to so they work together, if you can't work this out then PLEASE get someone in as it seems you have connected the new light across the switch wires.