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Low voltage lights with dimmer switch

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 3:30 pm
by mpjames007
I have purchased a set of low voltage halogen lights for the bathroom which comes with a dimmable transformer. I want to install an exterior dimmer switch in the bathroom but can find no wiring instructions for this.

Do I wire the transformer from a normal dimmer wall dimmer switch or do I use a low voltage dimmer switch? Could someone provide me with the wiring diagram for this?

Many thanks.

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:49 am
by ericmark
The dimming switch must match the transformer you need to go to transformers manufactures web site and see what they recommend. It changes even model to model from one manufacturer although some dimming switches say suitable for use with transformers this is only general and you do need to look as the make and model you have for type of switch to be used.