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Converting 2 way 3 switch to 2 way 3 switch dimmer

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:09 am
by rregis
I have a 2 way 3 switch light in my hallway that I am trying to convert to a 2 way 3 switch dimmer, however since reconnecting to the new switch either the kitchen light s or the living room lights dont come on. I dont have a modern consumer unit just the old fashioned fuses. If I change the fuse position for the downstairs circuit I get either the landing light on its own or the hall light and the outside light. There are 3 cables the core colours are:-
red,blue,black and one white core.

I have tried reverting to the old switch but even that doesn't work right and works like the new dimmer because I am now very confused can anyone help?

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 5:48 am
by ericmark
You say you swap two fuses and the fault swaps so you must have blown a fuse!
Old switch works like new dimmer! You must have swapped something so sorry only one safe way. Get someone in to look at it.
Yours Eric