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PIR lighting circuit

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:36 pm
by robbo_2008
Hi can anyone help me out i have a hallway and stairs going up into the attic room.On entering the hallway i have a single switch NO.1 this switches on 2 ceiling lights in hallway and i can switch these 2 lights off using 1 side of the double switchNO.2 and vice versa.On the other side of the double swich i can switch on the light going up the stairs to the attic and at the top switch no3 i can switch the stair light off and vice versa.What i want to do is do away with the double switch No.2 and rewire it so that when i swich on no.1 switch at start of hallway this switches on all three lights and i can switch these off using switch No.3 at top of stairs and vice versa i can switch on No.3 and this will switch on all 3 lights.And i can switch these of again using switch No1 at start off hallway.In other words i just want to do away with the double switch...
I have listed the the 3 switches and colours attached to them ..
Many Thanks..

Switch NO.1 Single switch top=red wire
bottom right=black wire
bottom left =red wire

switch NO.2 Double right side.this works hallway lights downstairs x 2
top= red wire
bottom right=red wire
bottom left = black wire

switch NO.2double left side this works upstairs light only
top= red wire
bottom right= black wire
bottom left = red wire

switch NO,3 top of stairs works upstairs light only
top=red wire
bottom right= red wire

Re: PIR lighting circuit

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:22 am
by BLAKEY1963
[quote="robbo_2008"]Hi can anyone help me.. I have 3 light switches (NO1 )SINGLE is at start of hallway and this switches on 2 ceiling lights in hallway this also works with double switch(NO.2)At bottom of stairs ie i can put lights in the hall way off,On the other side of this switch this switches on upstairs landing ceiling light only and at top of landing there is a switch (NO.3)SINGLE that switches the top landing ceiling light on or off only.Now the hard bit i want to put a PIR wall switch in place of NO.1 At start of hallway and when activated will switch on all lights in hallway at at top of stairs i want do do away with the double switch at bottom of stairs But i want to put a PIR wall switch at top of stairs and when this is activated it will switch on landing light and downstairs lights as well..can anyone tell me if this can be done using pir wall switches..

Switch no.1 single top=red wire
bottom right=black wire
bottom left =red wire
switch no.2 double right side.this works hallway lights downstairs x 2
top= red wire
bottom right=red wire
bottom left = black wire

switch no2.double left side this works upstairs light only
top= red wire
bottom right= black wire
bottom left = red wire

switch no,3 top of stairs works upstairs light only
top=red wire
bottom right= red wire
bottom left= black wire
Many Thanks I would have included images if i knew how to post them on the forum..[/quote]

ROBBO 2008

GO to your nearest electrical wholesaler , descibe as u did on here case scenario , and they will advise suitable products ,
appliable to the switching requirements u require.