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3 wires into 2 !!!!

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 6:27 pm
by harley70
:roll: I am installing an outside security light and am about to wire it into the junction box outside, when i opened the junction box there were only a red and a black wire, I am confused as how i would wire the 3 core cable into the junction box safely.
Many thanx

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 1:39 am
by ericmark
There are Class II and Class I equipment with Class II often called double insulated no earth is required and there is a little double square to show it is Class II and I would guess the old lamp was of this type.
Class I always requires an earth.
So either you need to rewire your junction box or you need to change the lamp for a double insulated type.
You may also be moving into Part P there are enough links on here and that's up to you to work out.

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 3:42 pm
by harley70
Don't think i explained myself clearly, Its not a junction box i'm talking about, I have a terminal block inside a plastic box fixed to the wall and there are a red and a black wire going into the trerminal block, can i wire my 3 core cable into this, and would it be safe ??

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 5:20 pm
by ericmark
Simple answer "No"
I was trying to explain there may be ways around the problem.
Sorry I know it's not the answer you wanted.