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fused spur from junction box???
Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 8:53 pm
by misery
I am currently running pipework to my utility room to a new combi boiler,a corgi guy I know is commisioning the boiler next week .I know I can just put a plug top on the cable and plug in but I would rater it was on a fused spur.The double socket next to the boiler has only one cable going into it so i presume that is already a spur and I know you cant spur off a spur.
My question is does a spur have to come directly from the back of a socket or can you spur off a jb leading to a socket?Whilst my bathroom floor is up I have noticed 2 jb's one saying kitchem ring 1 leg the other saying kitchen ring 2nd leg is it possible that I can spur off either of these??
Would welcome any advice ,thanks
Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 11:35 pm
by experience
Personally i'd trace where this spurred socket is fed from (it will be a socket near by) and fit a 13A fused spur next to it and use this to feed the socket near the boiler instead and as its fused down you can then spur off that as many times as you want - so you could fit a boiler switch off it
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 2:46 am
by ericmark
Once you use a fused spur unit you can then supply as many sockets as you want from that in the same way as you can plug in an extension with 6 sockets as the total is limited to 13 amp.
One big problem with ring mains is insuring they remain rings, most likely you can come off the junction boxes but you must test to ensure they are rings first.
Although in most cases it is simply a case of adding another socket it is not so in all cases. Remember all sockets must now be RCD protected. And work in a kitchen or bathroom comes under Part P.
fused spur from junction box??
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:35 pm
by misery
Thanks guys for such a quick response.
The spurred socket next to the boiler I suspect comes from the kitchen there are sockets on the tiled kitchen wall the utility is on the other side of wall but has a stud wall built in front of the brick wall so dont really want to chop tiles off or damage the plasterborded stud wall.
Not too far away in the garage which leads off the utility is a neon fused spur which feeds the house alarm in the pantry after reading your responses am I right in saying its perfectly ok to run a 2.5 t and e from this spur to a double socket near the boiler and plug the boiler into that?
I also soon take delivery of a whirlpool bath which has a household plug on it with an in line rcd would iot be ok to plug that into the same socket ?
Also a question for ericmark a utility room classed as a kitchen for part P I suspect it maybe cos of sink? Wouls appreciate your comments.
Many thanks
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 1:19 am
by ericmark
Regulation 314 deals with division of installation and is written in very general terms, but the running of an alarm and central heating from the same circuit is not normal done.
Kitchen is defined in the Building Regulations as ‘a room or part of a room which contains a sink and food preparation facilities’.
As a guide only, in open plan areas the zone of a kitchen may be considered to extend from the edge of the sink to a distance of 3m or to a nearer dividing wall.
That is from Page 7 of the Part P document available on the net there is a link in projects section.
I don’t know the loading of a whirlpool bath so can’t really answer that question.
I would say you need to use some common sense and a risk assessment as to the chances that your actions may cause an overload and therefore loss of supply and the results of loss of supply. Neighbours tend to take a poor view of alarms going off when nothing wrong and loss of supply will often result in alarm sounding. I can’t see exactly what you have and therefore you have to make the informed choose as to which way to go.