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outside pir

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 9:11 pm
by paul3775
I am in the proceedes of installing some pir lighting , i want to have one floodlight at each corner of my house up high but want the sensors low, and want all the lights to come on regardless of which sensor is activated.
What would the correct way of wiring the lights?
Possibly a circuit diagram of the system please

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 11:37 pm
by ericmark
So you want us without seeing your garden to give you the circuit diagram you require in order to apply under Part P to do the work.
I think not. You need to study both Part P and Part L links are in projects section and consider how fences etc will prevent the light from shinning into neighbours windows etc and with 150 watt limit now imposed consider what light will be required.
I will think by time you include everything you may be better off getting a registered electrician to do the work.

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 11:51 am
by ericmark
Sorry I was a bit abrupt. There are relays which fit into consumer units to do the job you relate to and using a consumer unit enclosure would be a good way to bring all the cables to one central control point.
You will need some sort of enclosure (box) using a steel one will make it easy to gland into.
Need some more details