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Wall Lights

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 2:55 pm
by sblsn
Hi, I apologise if this question has been asked before but I couldn't find it.

We were just about to put up some new wall lights having removed the others a while ago when we started decorating. The new ones have, as you would expect, the standard brown, green/yellow and blue cables, but the wires coming out of our wall are just 2 white covered cables. How do we know what to connect where?

Thanks in advance for any answers! :)

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:35 pm
by ericmark
If you only have two wires then you must use double insulated fitting which have no earth so you can't use the one you have. With double insulated fittings although there may be two colours it does not really matter as to which way around they go.
Also you need a sticker on the consumer unit saying "WARNING: Circuit(s) Nos.xxxx do not have provision for earthing metal equipment. TO AVOID RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT REPLACE INSULATED LIGHTING FITTINGS OR SWITCHES WITH METAL LIGHTING FITTINGS OR SWITCHES." As shown on form BPG1_08.pdf Issued by the Electrical Safety Council. Sorry about Caps but trying to do as shown also is on a Yellow back ground.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:31 pm
by sblsn
Oh no, what a pain!! :cry:

Thanks so much for your reply :)