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Electrics in a Kitchen

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 5:40 pm
by Lowgold1

I am about to refit a kitchen. All the appliances are staying in the same position and I do not plan to add any sockets/spurs etc. Do I need to get a separate ring main put into the kitchen or will the existing ring main be sufficient.

Under what circumstances would I need to add a new separate ring main to a kitchen?

Thanks :?:

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 6:23 pm
by sparx
Unless fuses/mcbs blowing/tripping with existing equipment no need to change anything, 'if it aint broke don't fix it'
Problem with fitting new ring in kitchen is what do you do with old wiring? if you leave existing outlets and add more on 2nd ring it's very easy to think you have isolated kitchen circuit and not realise other sockets still live when doing works later, i know you should test each one but people just assume...
If you decide to do away with existing sockets and put in new circuit for kitchen then very hard to do safely, old ring got to be maintained, not permitted to remove sockets, fit chock-blocks & tile over as no indication of position of old live wires later, because kitchen fitters did this we now got part P,!!!
regards SPARX