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convert 2 way switch into a onw way

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 9:16 pm
by only one way

i have 1 light pendant, 1 light swtich 1 pull switch either switch turns light on.

i want to get rid of pull switch

at the rose i have the live coming in
then i have 1 single live going to each switch (com) then i have t&e at L1 & L2 on each switch

can i convert get rid of the pull switch


Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 10:38 am
by sparx
Hi yes, if you have feed twin &earth plus 3 core &earth to each sw. then just disconnect 3 core/e from light to pull switch totally & remove sw. & if poss cable so no confusion later.
At wall sw. you should find red in common, leave it there, find which colour in L1 (yel. or blu.), mark it as red ie tape/sleeve. disconnect other wire from L2, cut bared end off and make safe in conn.block, at light move L1 core to position vacated by red from pull sw., also tape/sleeve as red
hope this makes sense, regards SPARX