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can the lights effect the socket
Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:25 pm
by steveshaw
can u help please my lights flicker on and off when they want to and my sockets sizzle and start knockin things off tv comp etc and new consumer unit goes daft makin sizzljn noises thinkin it might be sockets checked them all and turned sockets off at fuse but lights still go daft is it light problem are sockets electrician says blinking lights wont effect my sockets is this true thks ps boiler keeps shortn out through all this sizzlin in consumer unit
Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:09 pm
by ericmark
This sounds like lose connections which in turn can produce heat and can be very dangerous. You say an electrician has already advised this seems odd as I would have thought he would have given you advise and or tested the installation. You say new consumer unit so I would assume you have an installation certificate for this with a schedule of test results? The measuring required to obtain these should highlight any problems. There is very little we can advise you to do as an electrician on site should be in a far better position to advise.
thks you are spot on
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 11:11 am
by steveshaw
wish i wrote to you months ago would off saved me loads of money and stress i found the problem it was a loose connection now to get hold of electrician and giv him a kick up backside thks again i can now sleep better