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Halogen Wire Lights Problem

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 7:11 pm
by edwardo
Hi first post for me. I've bought a flat which has 5 lights on a dual wire suspended across the sitting room. There is a transformer at one end. It looks as though they are 50w.

The problem is that when I had the ceiling painted, the decorator must have knocked the lights because only 1 works (closest to transformer). I have checked all the bulbs in the working light and there are no problems there, I have also checked and tightened all the connections for the 4 other lights. Still no light from the other 4.

Any ideas as to what this might be or how it can be fixed? I'd like to avoid getting in an electrician if it's a common problem that's DIY-able.
Cheers, Ed

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 10:49 pm
by sparx
Hi Ed.
look at trans. it should have a total wattage rating on it, normally typically 105watts (often called more correctly V/A). If so them 5 lamps into 105w= 21watts each max, so max wattage of each lamp 20w.
5 X 50w = 250w so excessive volt drop would occur along wires. this presumes no breaks or dirty joints at fittings,
regards SPARX