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Why does 6kw sauna heater blow rcd
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 3:00 pm
by pstevdata
I have just had an electrician fit a new consumer unit for me. This has a RCD and 32 amp fuse.
I have wired a 6kw sauna heater in to this and the heater unit comes on for about a couple of minutes and then the rcd trips out.
If left for a few minutes you can repeat the process but the heater will not stay on
Can anyone offer any suggestions.
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:20 pm
by TheDoctor4
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Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:31 pm
by sparx
Hi, if the heater has not been used before or for a long time, the elements which are hygroscopic will have become damp so causing the earth leakage problem.
A good electrician should know ways around this, such as wiring heater temporarily via a none RCD supply and leaving on for some time to drive moisture out.
There are other ways which should only be done under strictly controlled conditions which I will not go into on public forum as they are potentially dangerous in wrong hands but which will work.
Gonna have to get your part-p leckie back to help i'm afraid,
regards SPARX
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:04 am
by pstevdata
Thanks for the quick reply SPARX
I had read about the damp in the elements somewhere else on web. That is why I had persevered with turning on and leaving for a few minutes, but it doesn't appear to be generating enough heat to dry these out.
As you suggest they probably need to be dried throughly.
Really appreciate your advice.