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Problem with switched fan in toilet (decided to stop working

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:28 pm
by Peter in WGC
We have a 4" GET fan which comes on in the usual way when the light cord is pulled in the toilet. It's about 18 months old and has suddenly stopped coming on.

No fuses tripped in the mains box
Hasn't shown any 'signs of distress'
Isolator switch is still on (!)
Cover removed, dust all hoovered out, fan moves freely
Don't seem to be any wires broken or loose
Light still comes on
No problems with any other electrics in the house

Is there anything I can do apart from replace the fan?
Would it be a problem with a component on the circuit board?

Any suggestions gratefully received.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 11:08 pm
by sparx
Hi peter,
I guess it's a timer overrun fan as it has isolator sw. if you can get to fan terms check for permanent live and switched live to neutral If both lives and N there then replace fan as even if component failure still cheaper to replace than repair, sign of the times!!!
regards SPARX

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 8:57 am
by Peter in WGC
Thanks Sparx - I guess it's a new fan then :(

further problems with bathroom fans

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 4:19 pm
by leithman
Like peter, I had a problem where my bathroom fan stopped working.

I replaced the fan which was a timer fan with another timer fan, but could not find a permanent live wire coming from the ceiling to fit to the fan.

Obviously did not work.

I bought a standard fan which only needs live and neutral and fitted this. again it did not work.

I bought a new isolator switch and wired this up as per the previous one. (isolator switch had permanent live wires attached) Again this did not work.

Had a look at the bathroom light switch to see what the wiring was like and it has only switched live wires in the switch with neutral seeming to be in an block seperately.

Any ideas what might be wrong. am now pulling what hair i have left out.