Problem with switched fan in toilet (decided to stop working
Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:28 pm
We have a 4" GET fan which comes on in the usual way when the light cord is pulled in the toilet. It's about 18 months old and has suddenly stopped coming on.
No fuses tripped in the mains box
Hasn't shown any 'signs of distress'
Isolator switch is still on (!)
Cover removed, dust all hoovered out, fan moves freely
Don't seem to be any wires broken or loose
Light still comes on
No problems with any other electrics in the house
Is there anything I can do apart from replace the fan?
Would it be a problem with a component on the circuit board?
Any suggestions gratefully received.
No fuses tripped in the mains box
Hasn't shown any 'signs of distress'
Isolator switch is still on (!)
Cover removed, dust all hoovered out, fan moves freely
Don't seem to be any wires broken or loose
Light still comes on
No problems with any other electrics in the house
Is there anything I can do apart from replace the fan?
Would it be a problem with a component on the circuit board?
Any suggestions gratefully received.