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Lighting circuit fuse blown, rplcd wire, lights dont work!

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 10:07 am
by TreacleUK
Hi there. I have an old Wylex type fuse box and the lighting circuit has blown. I replaced the fuse wire (and also checked all the other fuses just in case but they are intact) but the lights still dont work.

Can anyone shed any light on this for me please?

Im not super technical, so laymans terms would be relaly appreciated - thanks much

Wendy :)

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 10:05 pm
by sparx
Hi Wendy, check fuse wire again, as may have blown again if fault still there; also Wylex fuse holders are notoriously difficult to rewire as when you tighten the screw the wire breaks at one end & does not show.
If you have any kind of tester then check circuit through fuse, unless of course you have more than 1 fuse of same kind, in which case try swopping them over.
Overall best answer is to get replacement circuit breakers which plug straight in place of fuses, about £9.00 each from B ig & Q uicks, then no need for fuse wire, B.W.SPARX

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 2:47 pm
by TreacleUK
Thats great was the fuse wire breaking when I tightened the screws - doh!

Think I will invest in the replacement circuit breakers as you suggest for the future!

Cheers, Wendy