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3 Gang 1 Way Light switch

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:58 pm
by Rippin613
Probably a simple question to answer but currently eluding me. I am trying to replace a 3 gang (1 way) switch which operates a lounge light, a porch light (internal) and an external light. All of which has been working in the distant past.

I removed the old lightswitch which had a number of link wires on it, and disposed of it. However the new switch has no link wires and I have misplaced the wire order from the old one.

I have the standard 3 gang options:


L1 L2 COM L1 L2

The wires concerned are: (all earths are omitted - happy with where they go)

From the Lounge Light (The only live feed):
Red / Blue / Yellow

From the Porch Light
Red / Black

From the External Light
Red / Black

I have the lounge light working when I connect the Red to COM, Blue to L1, Yellow to L2 (although I know it works without yellow connected or yellow connected to COM or L1 as well.

When I try and connect another light, Red to COM, Black to L1, the additional light does not work. Assuming this is because the switch requires a link from the live feed ?

Over to you experts, what is my next step, other than the obvious answer call an electrician.

I have looked through many forums which refer to 2 way switching, but have noticed a lot of contradictory information. All I need is a simple what goes where, please. Time is of the essence due to temporary departure overseas imminent.


Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:35 pm
by kbrownie
Is the lounge light operated by another switch other than this one? Is it a way two circuit?


Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:56 pm
by sparx
Too many optional ways of it being wired originally, if time tight get someone in as could take many 'guestimated' answers on here, good leckie should 'suss' it in 1/2 hr.

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:02 am
by Rippin613
Lounge light is a one way switch.

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:50 pm
by kbrownie
Have a look in lounge light fitting ceiling rose to see how that is wired.
It's possible for red the live supply to go into com then link across to each com, with each red. The blacks at L1.
But need to know purpose of yellow and blue one will return to brown side flex of fitting and the other to neutral so need to find out. But as sparx mentioned lots of different options depending how it was installed in first place and if done correctly.