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Replace existing light fitting with Ikea light fitting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 3:55 pm
by trusty
Hi - was wanting to clarify - hate to do something wrong.

My existing setup is such - four groups of wiring coming from the ceiling (3 groups of black, red, yellow/green, and a red with a white). At the moment, the three yellow/green feed into one point marked 'earth', the four red feed into a point marked 'loop', the three black feed into an unnamed point, and the white feeds into an unnamed point.

My new Ikea light fitting has four points, two marked N and two marked L.

How should I wire this up?

Any assistance would be gratefully received!

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 12:23 am
by sparx
Hi! Ruddy foreign junk! buy BRITISH!
OK feel better now...sorry
The 4 reds go into a spare connector (not supplied by Ikea!)
the 3 blacks are Neutrals which go to N term.
the White? (Taped?) Is from sw. & goes to L
earths if fitting is metal MUST go to body of fitting somehow or if all insulated then go to another spare term. block ( not supplied by johnny foreigner!)
Regards SPARX

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 12:32 pm
by trusty

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 3:10 am
by trusty

Just an update to let you know that all worked a treat! Thanks once again!

ps - Being British, would have bought British, only here in Oz they are harder to come by!! ;)