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Batrhroom lights
Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 3:53 pm
by isuman
:oops: I have fitted a new light pendant in the bathroom after much swapping about of wire it finally works normally !! But the rest of my upstairs lights don't . Here is my set up left to right.
1 2 black wires next to the blue
2 2 red wires in the loop
3 1 red and 1 black together next to the brown
4 yellow and green to earth
Thanks for any advice
Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 5:49 pm
by kbrownie
common problem been answered many times, I think there are diagrams on projects page under lighting circuits.
You problem will be identify in the switch cable/wire.
In your ceiling rose
Step 1) Connect all CPC(earths together) to earth terminal
Step 2) Connect all reds together in the loop terminals
Step 3)
a) So now we have only blacks left, three of them!
two are neutrals and should be terminated together at neutral terminal that the blue flex of light is connected
b) the third is a switch wire which should have been flagged/tagged with red tape (normally missed off, this doesn't help) that is terminated at live/line terminal at brown flex side of light fitting. (likely this is the black cable with red next to brown you mentioned on point 3)
That should do the trick!
C) If that doesn't work correctly swap one black over from the neutral terminal with the one in the live/line terminal, do this until it does work remember that two black neutrals should always be in the neutral terminal.
Good Luck
Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 10:00 pm
by bd3cc
Put the 1 red wire (next to the brown) into the loop, so that you have:
2black(next to the blue), 3 reds in the loop, 1 black( should be marked red/brown) next to the brown.