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LIVE / EARTH REVERSE - 23 volt in live and neutral

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 6:59 pm
by danny001
i have test a wall socket and have found 230volts in the live cable and 230volts in the neutral

i have been told this is called a live/earth reverse

but would like to find out why it is happening or possible causes


Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 8:57 pm
by kbrownie
How did you measure this and may be able to then spread some light on it!

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:26 pm
by moggy1968
whoever told you that is wrong.
the electricity goes 'out' on the live and 'returns' on the neutral
they both carry current.
a live earth reversal refers to the live and earth (which should not normally carry current) you are talking about the live and neutral (which do)

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:30 am
by danny001
from the consumer unit to the shed there is only one cable which leeds to a double socket,
it is just used to plug in the jet washer for the car
one day it was not working
i used one of the plug testers and on the diagram it says its a live/earth reverse
also opened the socket up,
with a fluke T100 tester found that between the earth and live 230 volts and the same between the earth and neutral

i cant see how this has happened, have spoke to someone who said its the live and neutral have joined in the cable, so any ideas of the cause would be a great help before i did up garden

thanks D

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:35 am
by danny001
nothing works when pluged into this socket

i also tested a socket in the kitchen which just has the power in the live side not neutral, this is working

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:04 pm
by moggy1968
if your live and neutral join together you have a dead short and it will blow a fuse or trip an MCB. most likely thing off the top of my head is a neutral has come adrift bihind a faceplate somewhere or in the consumer unit.

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:14 am
by sparx
it seems you have lost the neutral connection somewhere, possibly at house supply end, check connections first,