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Wiring of 2 electric ovens

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:07 am
by cball313

I have 2 seperate electric ovens (Indesit FIE36KB) to connect in my kitchen. I currently have a circit running into the kitchen on 30amp cable.

Can I run the 30amp cable into a 45amp cooker switch and connect both ovens to it? can you get dual 45amp cooker switches?

Genrally only 1 oven will be used, but on the odd occation both.

Help would be much appriciated.


Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 8:36 pm
by kbrownie
what sizes are the ovens in watts, no such thing as 30amp cable.
You measure cable by it's Cross Sectional Area in mm.
Factors are then calculated in to determine what current it can carry.
So three/four questions
1,What power in watts is each oven?
2,What size is the CSA of your cable in mm, this may be found on the plastic sheath of cable?
3, what size and type is the protective device(fuse/breaker) connected to this cable?
and then we will try our best to help.

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:23 pm
by moggy1968
1. whats the rating on the cookers
2. this is notifiable work under part P

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:52 am
by cball313

Sorry my mistake the cable is 10mm.

2250 - 2400 watts it says on the cooker.

The 10mm cable runs back to its own RCD in the consumer unit.

Hope this helps


Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:04 pm
by kbrownie
10mm should be plenty big enough.
You have total output value of 2400x2 = 4.8kW
So if the if you intend to run the cooker of 45Amp cooker switch/isolator that's okay.
The circuit will need a 20Amp MCB as that will be enough to power your cookers.
If the cooker isolator was a socket outlet on it, the breaker size will need to be increased to 25Amp MCB

If both cookers are being controlled by the one isolator this needs to be installed so it will isolate both appliance and not just the one.
This isolator should be installed within a minimum distance of 2 meters from the appliances and no closer tham 300mm for any hob.
What you intend to do will need to comply to part p of building regulations and will need notifying to building controls either by you if your DIYing or by your electrician either by self-cert or application.

Some useful links are as follows;
Google ""

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:17 am
by cball313
Thanks KB, this has been very helpful.
