when to use fire-rated spotlights?
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when to use fire-rated spotlights?

by chris_on_tour2002 » Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:32 am


can somebody please advise when fire-rated halogen spots need to be installed? wife wants them in our new kitchen, i'm not so keen on them owing to the heat that they generate but i have pulled down the old lath and reboarded so it's nice and clean up there. and the lady has what she wants :)

i'm thinking of using fire-rated anyway but curious as to when the MUST be used according to regs. i've had a look but it's a bit sketchy. my understanding is that there is only a requirementin domestic situations in multiple occupancy buildings such as a flat with wooden joists between neighbours above and below?



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by kbrownie » Thu Aug 13, 2009 11:37 pm

The requirements within BS7671:2008 (know as the regulation)
Ask for provisions to be taken to reduce the risk of fire and the spread of it.
the spread of fire/smoke, involves the materials the building are constructed of, and passages where fire/smoke can spread should be sealed.
ie when cables pass through walls.
As far as the hoods are concerned, again it's a risk that needs to be evaluated and no hard set rule.
Preventions the key, there's a 30 minute rule concerning the prevention of fire/smoke spreading.
With down lights you have two factors the heat dissipated above the ceiling by the light and the hole made to install the light.
The heat dissipated within the ceiling void should be kept at a safe level or restricted. In the event of thermal insulation being in the ceiling void it must be kept at least 150mm from the light fitting as this will add to thermal effects.
The cut-out hole for the fitting also opens an area where fire/smoke can spread from below, up through the hole and above. Even with the light fitting installed, a barrier has been broken.
So it wise for both cases dissipation and fire/smoke spread from below to fit at least 30 minute fire rated hoods.
Also the hood will protect and keep clean the fitting from dust and muck within in the ceiling void.
Hope info helpful

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by moggy1968 » Fri Aug 14, 2009 7:16 pm

Given that most domestic fires start in the kitchen I would be inclined to err on the side of safety and use fire rated, they'll probably outlast the wood and lathe in the event of a fire!!
your talking about an old design of house here. These are often basically tinder boxes with lots of nice dry wood and stuff so buy yourself as much time as you can, especially if there is a bedroom above. A fire in the void between kitchen and bedroom would probably not trigger your smokes until it was too late.
THis is your familly after all, and the difference in price is not vast. If you already have the lights you can get little tea cozy style covers for them that are rated.

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