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Light Switches

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 11:44 am
by Kevin Harrison
I'm proposing to rewire my house.What light switches would be best to use SP or DP,basically does it make any difference as long as they are approved?
Many thanks.
Kevin Harrison

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 10:06 pm
by sparx
Hi Kevin, presume you are notifying L.A. bldg control b4 starting! it's the law! Part P & all that!
anyway in answer to your question, don't think you can buy D-P light switches!
There is a move towards D-P switched sockets, also with twin earth terms. which were intended for computer circuits.
Problem with them is they tend to cause nuisance RCD tripping when switched as if N breaks slightly b4 L then RCD can see a fault if the socket is supplying a load when switched,
regards SPARX