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12v bathroom lights too bright

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 9:06 pm
by Gas doc
Hi all

I have 6 12v 50W halogen downlights in my bathroom switched on by a standard celing pull switch and it's REALLY bright! What options do I have to subdue things a bit? Each light has its own trasformer - am I simply allowed to put a lower wattage bulb in or do they have to match the transformer? Alternatively could I arrange to get the ceiling pull switch changed for a dimmable pull switch (her indoors doesnt want a dimmer outside the bathroom.)

Forgive the simple questions


Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:31 am
by ericmark
Transformers can run on lower wattage without a problem but inverters have a max and a min output and most extra low voltage lamps use inverters.

However most likely the min ratting will be quite low and using 10W lamps would not likely cause a problem. But using LED lamps at 1W to 5W may cause inverter to close down.

You should not dim quartz lamps their life will be reduced if you do. They need the quartz to run very hot to work.

If you can get at a transformer have a look and see what it is rated. Likely it will say 5 - 50W or something like that and the lower figure is smallest bulb. You can put smaller bulbs but until you look at inverter/transformer you will not know how much you can go down.

Mine says 200VA and is a transformer so I can use LED's if I want. So single marking is transformer and you can fit any size. 10 - 50VA means min is 10W max is 50W.

Oh yes VA and Watt is as far as your concerned is the same.

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:31 am
by Gas doc
Thankyou ericmark