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Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 5:46 pm
by geordie1
Hi forum

I installed a set of wall lights a couple of years back but i have noticed recently that one of the lights will not work the way i wired it as follows

L+N from double socket(spur) to supply on fused socket and L+N from light to load terminal im totaly confused on what to do.

If i wire it the other way L+N from socket to load and L+N fom light to load the red light on the socket comes on when i put the bulbs in and thats with the 3 amp fuse out.

All answers welcome :roll:

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:59 pm
by kbrownie
You should have FCU(Fused connection Unit) on the this unit, the supply side is from the socket you are taking the spur from.
Then the connection between the light fitting and the FCU should be on the load side.
Make sure they are in the corrcet terminals, so check the back of the FCU plate.