The downstairs socket MCB on my consumer unit has started tripping sporadically, leading the RCD to trip - even when absolutely everything on that ring is unplugged. We've had no electrical or building work done since 2007. Any ideas what might be causing it? Many thanks.
I have had MCB's tripping when they have had some twisting moments due to have they have been tightened up in dis board and when they have been tripping due to regular overload. There is a recall on at the moment over faulty MCB's but since I have not fitted any in the qualifying period I did not make any notes.
Seem to think some of the electron range. Maybe others can confirm and give dates and make of the recall.
you mention no building work, but think wider,
new carpet gripper strip nailed? squeeking board screwed down?.
No? time to get a leckie in to do circuit insulation test (megger check).