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Remote controlled 13A spur switch

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:46 pm
by tcf887
I have recently had a fused 13A spur switch filled in the house to control a water feature in the garden - via a cable runnung out through the wall and underground.

I would like to convert to remote operation, is there such thing as a remote controlled spur switch available?

Many thanks.

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 8:29 pm
by sparx
not sure about remote FCU's (Fused spurs) but plenty of plug through 13A remote socket adaptors, we use 6 here for mood lights, fans etc, most of the 'sheds' sell 'em usually 3 adaptors to a remote 3 button hand set.
If your pump is plugged into a socket in a weatherproof box then could go at that end.