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Convert 2w to 3w switching

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 4:15 pm
Hi can anybody help me with this. I have a two way lighting circuit for my hall lights. One switch is near the front door the other on the landing.

What I would like to do is add a 3rd switch at the far end of the hall. At the present time the switch in the hall contains the live wire. Would it be possible to change this switch to an intermediate one, and connecte the live to L2 and L2 at this point. Or should I extend the live to the new switch at the far end of the hall? Thanks

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:57 pm
by ericmark
There are normally three cables between the two switches of these two need to go through the intermediate switch.
i.e. from either existing switch you need to run four wires plus the earth.
If the switch is marked com, L1, L2 and wired in normal way the two wires that connect to other switch that got to L1 and L2 need to go to intermediate and the other two wires from intermediate will replace them.