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bedroom light switch/ceiling rose

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:36 am
by benpatto
hi please help

i have replaced a bedroom ceiling light rose, but the light is not working. i have replace most of the lights and switches in the house with no problems. it was working untill i replaced a light in the kitchen. i have checked the electic feed to the switch and up to the rose and seems to be fine have feed when bulb in and feed turns on/off with switch but buld doesnt light. have changed buld numberous times and switch but no joy,

can anyone shed a but more light on my problem?



Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:44 pm
by ericmark
Will guess some where neutral and switched line has been mixed up. Use a two wire tester not a neon as likely the fault is on neutral side and a neutral will not light a neon.