New house strange light fittings
Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:41 am
by nmartin3383
We have bought a brand new house and we have the new 3pin lights in our lounge. We want to have a particular light fitting but can't seem to access the wiring on the ceiling as the white plastic rose/casing seems sealed and will not turn loose. The other standard fitting are all fine and we have been able to fit the lights we want. Any ideas?
Many Thanks
Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:24 pm
by sparx
As you may not realise the 'new 3 pin' fittings are a legal requirement under building regs. as they only take low energy lamps & should not be changed.
That's the legal bit out of the way .....HIT IT with a small hammer!!!!
You're replacing it anyway, it will either loosen or break so with power off you will get a result.
All new properties must have a proportion of these fittings to comply with 'part-l 'of building regs. energy rating of the building.