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8 Light Fittings - 1 gang to 2 gang

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:37 pm
by Boghead Ben

Here's a question. Recently had garage converted - all pukker and above board.

The new room now has eight light fittings - four on each side of the ceiling, all energy savers.

The 'spark' on the job wired all eight back to a 1 - gang switch. I'd now like a 2 - gang switch, meaning that I can switch off one bank of four. Given that all the wiring has been done, plastered and 'finished', what can I do to make the change I require?

The 'spark' says it cannot de done without a rewire.


Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 5:22 pm
by sparx
Hi, believe your sparks! sorry but you should have thought ahead, you needed a 3 core &E to your sw. position or 2 twin & earths.
regards SPARX