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What bonding is required for standalone rig

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:59 pm
by fisha
Hi i have built a standalone water rig for a college project. The rig is powered from a nearby socket and contains copperpiping and is built from unistrut. My question is what bonding would this rig require.

Thanks guys

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:30 pm
by ericmark
In the main the earth provided from the plug is enough. However you do need to check this is connected. The normal method would be to use a PAT testing machine which passes a 25 amp current through the earth path to check there are no bad connections. The rig will be registered as an item on the appliance list and there will be a record of it being tested. Likely also a sticker to say it has been tested.