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Visonic PowerMax Complete Wiring

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 10:15 pm
by DJames459
Hi All,

I've picked up a Visonic PowerMax Complete wireless Burgular alarm. All is good and it's working. I just need to hook it into the mains supply in the house. I've already setup a 3A switched FCU.

My only slight query is that on the control panel itself it's not entirely clear as to which side the Live/Neutral should go on. There are 2 connections for the AC IN on the internal control panel power supply and I can see an "N" next to one of them but the other is covered by a "WARNING" sign which is also printed on the PCB.

The "N" does give it a way a bit but I just want to be doubley sure it's right. Has anyone wired one up before? If you look at the power supply head on I'm assuming the Neutral is to the right (inner side) and the live to the left (outer side)?
