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Neutral to Neutral Blowing

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 6:18 pm
by smeagol
hey I have just purchased a new house and upon trying to replace a double light switch i must have mixed two up and now when i try to place all the nuetrals together it blows. I know its a nuetral though cos it ringed out from the light and i have traced where the nuetral goes to afterwards. Its very starange.

So now my two way light switch works fine from one side but if you switch it at my problem side then the light just flickers

Very stuck . com

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:21 am
by ericmark
It is unusual to have a neutral at a light switch, although common to have a black or blue wire. In theory one should have a red or brown sleeve to show the wire is a line wire but it is often missing. A standard ceiling rose will often have three cables.
One feed in
One feed out to next lamp
One to switch
The latter cable will likely have a line and neutral coloured wire but the neutral coloured wire is still line but the switched line.