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Fish Pond Pump

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:14 pm
by billobach181
I have a fish pond with a submerged electric pump. The pump is a common magnetic impeller type. The power supply is off the mains via an RCD.
I noticed recently that whe I put my hand in the water I get a
"tingling"like a very slight shock sensation especially near where the power cable enters the pond. Also, as I cleaned the pump yesterday I switched off the isolating switch next to the pond but I still felt the timgling sensation from the pump, again close to the connecting cable. This does not seem to affect the fish which are thriving.
Any views or advice on this issue?
Is this common with this type of pump?
Is it dangerous?
How did the power getting past the isolating switch when I was cleaning the pump?

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:36 pm
by collectors
Defiantly get a qualified electrician to check this out ASP. Would also turn off the power to this area if possible. You might be only getting a tingling sensation as you might not be getting a good earth to give you a bad shock.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:57 am
by ericmark
One has to test this to be sure what is happening.

I will guess the house has a TN-C-S supply and the earth for house supply is not at the same potential as the ground outside. This rings alarm bells and one wonders what the problem may be.

It could be nothing wrong but I would want to check to be sure as it may also be a sign of missing earths on a PME system.

This is not a DIY job. You will need an electrician to test and find out what if anything has gone wrong.

Fish Pond Pump

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:27 pm
by billobach181
Thanks guys. I will get it checked out.