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Ceramic Hob installation problem

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:18 pm
by bb700
My sparky would not connect my ceramic hob as the terminals are numbered 4 & 5 and not live & neutral . The make is Necht ( a re-badged asian product & not my choice it came as a complete package ). The model number is HBEO753DK , I can`t contact anyone for help; no after sales service.
Any advice about the wiring would be grateful.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 8:47 am
by ericmark
It seems your not the only one with this problem the forums are full of requests for manuals and connection details.

Maple Industries seem to do a lot with Necht may be worth contacting them? has a similar post on it. And the replies say that the line and neutral can swap as to numbers used as they are re-badged so come from many manufactures.

Likely because designed for Europe it will not matter which way around the line and neutral are connected but because it could mean parts are at line voltage even when switched off I can see why an electrician would refuse to connect.

Other forums will allow links and pictures you may get a better response with a picture as some one may work out what the original badge was.