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bathroom electric help

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:39 pm
by masonst0rm
having a zaccuzi bath and underfloor heating fitted but only power close by is a ring main socket, how can I get two feeds into the bathroom?

can this be done?

ring main socket
junction box
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RCB fused spur RCB fused spur
(bath) (under floor heating)

Re: bathroom electric help

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:45 am
by ericmark
The ring is primary designed to work equipment which is portable. We do use it for static equipment but our rule book says anything fixed over 2kW should have it's own dedicated supply.

Since you don't give the power requirements I don't know if you could use the final ring. If the load is within the limits then the normal would be to use a fused connection unit (FCU) to reduce the maximum power down to what a single 2.5mm cable can handle and then feed the items.

Where it exceeds the 2kW limit one has to consider the route and in some cases using steel wired armoured (SWA) cable outside is the easy answer to get power across the house.

The new rules on RCD protection are also a problem with wires buried in the wall or floor. And most FCU with RCD are of the active type so need to be easy assess to reset as any brown out will cause them to trip. And with Part P some one will be checking so it has to be right if you want the completion certificate.

In real terms although you can work through the local authority building control (LABC) the costs of hiring test equipment and paying the LABC which will likely be over £200 means likely it will be better to get an electrician who is a member of a scheme to do the work.

So I would say first get an electrician who is a scheme member to give a quote and see what he suggests. Then price up parts required. Then decide if it's really worth the effort to DIY for the money saved if any.

Re: bathroom electric help

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:32 am
by masonst0rm
Hope diagramme blow is better and explains my thinking.... getting an electrician in to do job but just after if this is achieveable without major work to get wires in from garage. Well aware of part P regulations .

ring main socket
junction box
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RCB fused spur RCB fused spur
(bath) (under floor heating approx 300W)
(13 amp 30Mamp
2.5 twin&earth
with IP55 joint box)

Re: bathroom electric help

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:20 pm
by BLAKEY1963
[quote="masonst0rm"]Hope diagramme blow is better and explains my thinking.... getting an electrician in to do job but just after if this is achieveable without major work to get wires in from garage. Well aware of part P regulations .

ring main socket
junction box
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RCB fused spur RCB fused spur
(bath) (under floor heating approx 300W)
(13 amp 30Mamp


As you r aware of the part p regs , i am sure your electrician would be able to advise you
further as he would have done a site vist for you, and will give you appropiate guideance


Re: bathroom electric help

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:29 pm
by kbrownie
There are was and means of making the connection outside the bathroom, which will mean that the work would not become notifiable.
Does your existing installation have RCD protection at the board and if it does, is the ring protected by this?

Re: bathroom electric help

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:50 am
by masonst0rm
the ring is RCD protected at the board... currently no mains in bathroom at all (except lighting), open to any ideas of doing this as easy as possible (without ripping half of house to pieces) but meeting reg's as nessesary...