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one for sparx

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 9:44 pm
by rambo77
ok this might sound a bit confusing but im putting eletrics in to my new conservatory the closet socket in the living room is a spur so to this im connecting a 13amp fused spur and then 3 double scks into the conservatory off of one of the sockets in the conservatory i want to power a ceiling light using a 3 amp fused spur can this be done???

this is how i planned to do it: from the socket run a 2.5 cable to a 3amp fused spur then 1.5 cable to light switch then 1.5cable from switch to light fitting is this correct

your advise greatly appreciated


Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:09 pm
by sparx
Hi rambo77, almost! but you must put the fused spur BEFORE the existing socket to comply, regards

is this right sparx

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:13 pm
by rambo77
thanks for your reply iv added the fused spur after the living rom socket and before the the additional sckts in the conservatory is this what u mean


Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 3:36 pm
by sparx
Hi agn. No sorry but spur must include first socket ie the existing one.
regs state only one outlet off spur unless first in line is fused connection unit, this ensures max load on single 2.5 cable can only be 13A , if you added FCU after double skt u could have up to 39A on the cable! BW


Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 6:58 pm
by rambo77
hi again sorry im getting a bit confused here i have not changed any sckts in the living room they are how they was when we moved in, from the living room sckt iv added a 13amp fuse connection next to it, from the 13amp fused connection iv run a 2.5 cable thru the wall into the conservatory to a new double sckt then to the next so the sckts in the conservatory should be limited to 13amp

therfor if anything happened in the conservatory the 13amp fuse would blow and not affect the original socktet in the living room

sorry if i sound thick but do u agree with this

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 6:57 pm
by sparx
Hi rambo77, If your original lounge skt. was on ring then as u have done it is fine, however as original skt in lounge is a spur then u must not run anything else from it.
However i was trying to show a way around this, it's not easy but if you want to comply.....
you have to replace existing lounge skt for a FCU, then if you need skt there then fit a new one after FCU then run on to conservatory, easy if it was a single as box compatible, more difficult if it's a double, unless you can cut into existing spur cable b4 original lounge skt with FCU.
I know it's a pain in the *rs* but you did ask for right way!!!
kind regards B.W.

cheers for advise sparx

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 10:02 pm
by rambo77
thanks for the advise iv done all the electric now ...i did basically what you said the sckt in the living room is hardly used so i put on a fcu then went from there everything is working fine so far so good

thanks again