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2 gang light switch

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:57 pm
by markelliott
Hello everyone,
I have knocked 2 rooms together, there was a light and switch in each separate room. How do i wire a 2 gang light switch up, using the 2 original cables? I have enough slack on them to get to the new switch.
Thank you for your help!

Re: 2 gang light switch

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 5:45 pm
by ericmark
For two way switching you need three wires to each switch and you only will have two wires + earth. So either a new three core + earth switch to switch or wireless switch in one location. You can get add on units which turn standard switch into wireless.

Basic wiring with single way com to either L1 or L2 with two way switch wires go L1 to L2 and the com of the two switches are connected together but do not connect to anything else.