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Garden Extension Cable Advice to Relocate Garden Lights

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 7:15 pm
by melvinmaggott
Hi. I want to relocate some garden lights. Power currently comes from a TDC Power Products transformer DB-06-12W. Output details of this transformer are:
output voltage:12vac, output current: 0.50amp, output watts 6va

My problem is the current cable from the transformer to the lights is too short. I need to replace it with something around 5-6 metres in length. I've been looking around on internet and have found outdoor cable,but there are all different types of connectors - the current one I have is 2 round pins but I'm not sure if there's more than 1 type of '2 pin' connector. I've read about Type A, Type U etc. Any ideas what one I'd need?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Garden Extension Cable Advice to Relocate Garden Lights

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 2:13 am
by ericmark
I would try Maplin they may have the plugs you want. Personally I would be tempted to cut cable and using heat shrink on joints extend it. However in theroy since AC the output could be high frequency and because of EMC rules often there is a maximum length one is allowed to use.