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Object Security Alarm for Securing Picture in Cafe

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:43 pm
by 1alggomas
Could not find security DIY. Probably staring me in the face!"
help required please.

What is available for a simple alarm behind a picture or painting.
I put some of my work in café. However I have an expensive painting which I wish to protect from people just grabbing it off the wall.

I was wondering whether sticking a window alarm behind the painting or one of the wedge alarms for a door may be possible?

Re: Object Security Alarm for Securing Picture in Cafe

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 8:27 pm
by ericmark
There are loads of tamper systems all that is needed is micro switch and door bell using reed switches and magnets is more common but when we exhibit work in local library or theatre we have to screw to the wall that's their rules. A real pain as putting up 20 pictures can take 6 people 1/2 a day removing is quicker but still takes time and there is no way one can just unhook them.

Mirror brackets are nearly always used so not that quick to remove. At least two screws and so 5 minutes to remove and run out of door. Not sure alarm would really help.