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What to do With Exposed Wires After Removing Wall Light?

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:28 pm
by RM Bath
This evening I removed a small wall light from the main bedroom. It doesn't work and my wife doesn't like it.

In so doing, I have exposed a load of wires (see image), which I would just like to push back into the wall and then cover, but I suspect that is not a very good idea.

Appreciate some advice on how to do this safely.


Re: What to do With Exposed Wires After Removing Wall Light?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:00 am
by ericmark
The easy way it to fit something like a clock connection unit or a back box and blanking plate.

Any cables in the wall must be identified as being there. We are allowed vertical and horizontal paths to an electrical outlet be it a switch, socket, FCU or even a blanking plate but once these are removed you also need to remove the cables as in the future some one may drill into the wall without realising it is there.

I also have wall lights which I don't use left on the wall solely to identify where cables run. I have some spot lights with 0.58W LED bulbs in just to identify there are wires there the light is so weak really does no good.