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5 Wire Ceiling Rose After Removing Ceiling Fan Fitted by Previous Tenant?

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 6:04 pm
by DradusContact
Hi, trying to sort out a light fitting. The guy who used to live here was a bit of a nutcase and some of the wiring I have found have been a nightmare. Anyway, in the living room there was a ceiling fan when we moved in, it seemed to be hard wired in as there was no switch on the wall. I have since found a switch that was hidden behind a daydo rail. When I took the fan down I just blocked everything together and left it. I've decided to try and sort it but when I've gone back to it there are 5 separate wires coming out of the ceiling. There seem to be two separate circuits? With it wired the way it is all downstairs lights are working.

Thanks for any help in advance

Re: 5 Wire Ceiling Rose After Removing Ceiling Fan Fitted by Previous Tenant?

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 7:28 am
by ericmark
I would look for fan instructions on internet. Maybe multi-speed but without details impossible to work out.