by ericmark »
Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:03 pm
I would say clearly not off even if switch in off position. When a tungsten lamp filament ruptures you can get ionisation of the gas in the bulb often a very bright flash. This is what blows the fuse or trips a trip. The current for these few seconds is very high. A B6 MCB is a double unit the thermal bit is set to 6 amp but the magnetic bit is set to between 3 and 5 times that value so 30A can flow but only for 0.01 of a second.
Some people have put C6 or D6 MCB's in the lighting circuits which means 60 or 120 amp can flow or swapped to a 10 or 16A version again current well above the normal 30A. This can cause bulbs to weld into holders and switches to weld in the on position.
Why the second bulb failed I don't know, but any crack in glass will cause them to blow.