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Mounting a Large Mirror over a Shaver Socket in a Bathroom

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 9:38 pm
by cs02rm0

I'm looking at mounting a large mirror on a bathroom wall (not bought yet, but it would be a plain mirror, no frame, no lights) to fill the entire of the space above the tiling.


Unfortunately there's a shaver socket here. I'm told having the bottom of the mirror higher than the socket is too high, having a cut out in the mirror isn't acceptable, and it sticks out too far to just hang something over it.

Is it acceptable to get a flush (if that's even possible) blanking plate and mounting a mirror over it? Any other suggestions? Do I need to get an electrician involved - if so to do what - move the socket a few feet to a wall on the left, remove it and the wiring completely? Any other suggestions?


Re: Mounting a Large Mirror over a Shaver Socket in a Bathroom

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 12:58 pm
by ericmark
Any wire in a wall needs something to identify it is there. It's called safe zones and the existence of a socket, switch, or even a blanking plate shows people where wires are likely to be run.

So it would seem only option is a blanking plate with a block connector behind keeping the wires out of harms way and available for future use.

It may be that the shaver socket is fed from some point where it is easy to disconnect. Could be from ceiling rose and fed from lights for example. If cables are made dead then it can be either left open or plastered over.

Personally I would look for feed, disconnect, and put note in the whole about what I had done. And since covered with mirror not worry about the whole.

Re: Mounting a Large Mirror over a Shaver Socket in a Bathroom

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 6:54 pm
by cs02rm0
Thanks. If I can disconnect it does that mean I don't need to worry about the safe zone?

If I can't (doubtful I think - it's a new build so I'm assuming the wiring will be sane) would it be acceptable to cover the socket but put a blanking plate vertically in line with it, but near the top of the wall above the mirror?

Re: Mounting a Large Mirror over a Shaver Socket in a Bathroom

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 9:15 am
by ericmark
Forget regulations use common sense. If some one comes to work on the wall will what ever you have alert them of possibility of wires behind the wall?

I am the only person to have lived in my house and I now find items which I must have done some 25 to 30 years ago which I had forgotten about.

Start point is switch each MCB off in turn and find which one feeds it. If it's the lights MCB then likely easy job to disconnect at ceiling rose.