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Adding Power to Garage and How to Fix new Light Fitting to Garage Roof

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 10:41 am
by thekendall_1
I am planning on adding power and lighting to my garage. I just need some advice on what type of light fitting (how many? how long? LED/fluoro etc.) might be best and how and where to secure it?
It is a corrugated roof (felt lined) on a steel(?) frame.
The garage is approx. 5m x 2.5m. 2m to the eaves and 2.5m to the top of the apex.
Thanks in advance


Re: Adding Power to Garage and How to Fix new Light Fitting to Garage Roof

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 9:23 am
by ericmark
You can get Girder Clamps for Conduits and other similar items go to a whole sales outlet (Not B&Q) and ask likely they will show you a sample.

Tubes cast less shadows than bulbs so the fluorescent tube has always been good. But today LED is coming into it's own an LED strip may work well but not used them myself.

Are you working in the garage and if so does anything rotate. Stroboscopic effect means with rotating stuff HF fluorescents should be used.