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Light and Light Fitting Blown and Tripping Fuse - Advice Needed on Fix

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 1:37 pm
by Delderek
I'm looking for some advice on a light fitting that went pop. It tripped the fuse and is no longer working and looking to understand what may be the issue.

I've posted a PIC below and have not removed the fitting but wondered if anyone can suggest what the problem may be. I.e. is the a separate transformer or fuse in the metal housing above the light that may just need replacing or is a completely new light fitting required?

Re: Light and Light Fitting Blown and Tripping Fuse - Advice Needed on Fix

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:51 am
by ericmark
Step one remove all bulbs and re-try. If MCB trips with no bulbs then likely requires a new power supply. I would think twice about repairing as today extra low voltage lighting is a real problem.

The so called electronic transformer is not really a transformer, the electronics mean often a minimum as well as maximum output. This effectively stops the use of LED lamps.

Other than the bathroom I would not use extra low voltage lamps. Using low voltage (230vac) allows much more flexibility selecting bulbs. It also means one bulb blows at a time you don't get all bulbs failing together.

Re: Light and Light Fitting Blown and Tripping Fuse - Advice Needed on Fix

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:08 pm
by Delderek
Thanks for the response.

The light no longer trips. It doesn't work, none of the bulbs work but it doesn't trip the MCB when I switch it on.

I'm gonna take the fixture off tomorrow and have a look. I just wondered if there was a fuse or something inside the bulky bit that would just need replacing?

Re: Light and Light Fitting Blown and Tripping Fuse - Advice Needed on Fix

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 11:53 pm
by ericmark
Likely it is a switched mode device with no user parts to change. Most auto shut down with short circuit and auto restart once removed. Likely G9 bulbs which can be got in a range of voltage and wattage.

I hate them as all too easy for some one to fit the wrong bulb.