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Does Anyone Know What This Mystery Box is Containing Electrical Cables?

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 5:57 pm
by diy_mad_jr_uk

I have a small electrical box mounted in the wall of my house that contains some electrical cabling, but I have no idea what it's for.

I've attached a couple of pictures, one to give some context of the size and where it's mounted and the other is a close-up of the contents of the box after I popped off the plastic strips covering the front.

Can anyone solve the mystery as to what this is for?

Thanks in advance,


Re: Does Anyone Know What This Mystery Box is Containing Electrical Cables?

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 7:42 pm
by ericmark
I could be anything, I would guess it's a dummy load for a old LAN system when they used coax cables.

Since only one cable it is not a simple junction box so one has to think what would require a single cable?

It could measure temperature or sound but really need to find out what that bit in the centre is?

I have found some odd things in my time including boxes in lofts with inaudible sound to stop bats rousting.

So sorry can't help