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Help Needed with the Wiring on a Ceiling Rose Light Fitting in Bedroom

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 1:51 pm
by Paul381
I am confused how to wire a ceiling rose in one of my bedrooms.
I have 3 black wires, 2 green wires and 2 red wires all going to a chock block. All the colored wires are grouped together ie the blacks all together, the greens all together and the reds together. The problem I have is when I switch the bedroom lights on or off it effects the lights in the bathroom and the main bedroom. I have had a look at the switch and there are 3 wires going to that. Does anybody know how I can stop the bedroom switch effecting the other rooms lights ?
Any help would be most appreciated.


Re: Help Needed with the Wiring on a Ceiling Rose Light Fitting in Bedroom

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 11:46 am
by ericmark
Standard is two or three cables. There is some twin and earth with two reds and no black but your count of wires seems wrong.

One cable brings power in.
One cable takes power to next lamp.
One cable takes power to and from switch. This cable should either have two reds or a red sleeve on the black, it is common for this sleeve to get lost so you have a black cable which is line not neutral. It is easy when this happens to get odd things happen. But you need something to test with, be it a bell with batteries or a multi-meter you need some thing to test with.